"Life of Pi" has everything you could possibly want in a musical. Along with an unrivaled cast and the best musical score the industry has ever heard, viewers can anticipate some of the most truly amazing visuals ever produced: "This production is amazing in every way," as The Observer put it. Really, you can't afford to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime chance. People all over the world will want to attend in their numbers, so tickets will sell out faster than you can blink; fortunately, we still have some available right now. Grab yours by clicking the "Get Tickets" button right away to attend a performance at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre on Wednesday 10th May 2023, before it's too late!
We are introduced to Piscine Patel, or "Pi" for short, and the rest of the Patel family at the beginning of the tale. However, the events that unfold next are heartbreaking for the Patel family. In a single drastic storm at sea, the Patel family lost everything they owned.
A Bengal tiger (named Richard Parker), a hyena, a zebra, and an orangutan all fall under Pi's safe keeping as the last surviving human. Do you think you'd be able to sustain life during a 227-day journey around the world if your ship were to sink? Let's say a Royal Bengal tiger shared the journey with you, and you must safeguard it. Do you even think it's possible to do both of these at the same time?
He is just a young boy called Pi and the sole human survivor of a shipwreck but must embark on an unthinkable journey of crossing the world while battling for his life. Once Pi is back on stable footing, he is grilled by curious onlookers about his miraculous ordeal. At the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre in New York, New York, you can see Piscine Patel's story unfold onstage. You have to be there to fully grasp the best storytelling a stage has ever heard.
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre
236 West 45th Street, New York, New York, 10036, United States