Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre Rules

For your own safety and security, as well as to ensure the best possible experience both for you and others during your visit to the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre, visitors are asked to closely observe the following rules and regulations.


Please arrive early so that you can be seated before the performance starts. Late comers will be admitted at the discretion of the management. All guestsllll attending must have a valid ticket.

No children or permitted into the theatre below the age of four. Children above this age must have a valid ticket.

No outside food or drink is allowed inside the venue – drinks and refreshments are available in the theatre lobby.

Electronic Equipment

Cell phones must be turned off or to silent mode and remain stowed away throughout the duration of the performance, as the bright lights emitted can distract both performers and other members of the audience.

The use of cameras, camcorders, and other recording devices during the performance is strictly prohibited.